Ciambella allo yogurt - a deliciously soft yoghurt cake that most Italians have for breakfast, as a snack or as dessert. I will be preparing mine to have for a weekend breakfast as it's the only time when I get to have a more chilled breakfast.

Preparazione: 10 minuti
Cottura: 35 minuti
For: 8 people
Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking: 35 minutes
- 4 uova
- 230gr di farina 00
- 100ml di yogurt bianco
- 130ml di olio
- 120gr di zucchero
- 16gr di lievito per dolci
- 10ml di latte
- estratto di vaniglia
- un pizzico di sale
- zucchero a velo
- 4 eggs
- 230gr plain flour
- 100ml plain yoghurt
- 130ml oil
- 120gr sugar
- 16gr yeast
- 10ml milk
- vanilla extract
- pinch of salt
- icing sugar
Metodo / Method

Scaldate il forno a 180ºC. Dividete i tuorli dagli albumi. Montate gli albumi a neve con un pizzico di sale.
Heat the oven to 180ºC. Divide the yolks from the whites. Beat the egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt.

Montate i tuorli con lo zucchero, aggiungete lo yogurt, l’olio, la vaniglia e il lievito sciolto in poco latte.
Whip the egg yolks with the sugar, add the yoghurt, oil, vanilla and the yeast dissolved in a little milk.

Aggiungete la farina setacciata e lavorate fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo. Aggiungete gli albumi montati a neve e trasferite il composto in uno stampo oliato. Sformate per circa 35 minuti e lasciate intiepidire prima di togliere dallo stampo. Decorate con dello zucchero a velo.
Add the sifted flour and work until the mixture is of the same consistency. Add the whipped egg whites and transfer the mixture into an oiled mould. Bake for about 35 minutes and let cool before removing from the mould. Decorate with icing sugar.
This cake will definitely be making your breakfasts sweeter. Now that we've learnt some new vocabulary from this recipe, click on the link down below and learn some adverbs in Italian. In the worksheets attached, you will find a note with the different categories of adverbs and some exercises for you to practice.