I mesi dell'anno - with this lesson, we'll be learning the months of the year in Italian including their pronunciation. We'll also learn a few different phrases used when tackling this topic. Ciao e benvenuti alla decima lezione! I mesi dell'anno - the months of the year in Italian is today's topic.
This new vocabulary will be quite simple to learn, as it will be very useful when in future lessons we'll start gathering all the different topics we've learnt and start writing phrases and eventually paragraphs. Also, the pronunciation for these won't be so hard if you keep repeating with the clip down below.
Same as we did with the days of the week, let's have a look at some related words to this topic worth knowing in this lesson too.
un anno
l’anno scorso
l’anno prossimo
Same as we mentioned for the days of the week, Italians do not capitalise the months. Let's go through the pronunciation of the months. Repeat after each pronunciation you listen to in the clip.

That's all for today's lesson. It's very simple and easy to learn. Listen to the clips a few times and repeat after each month and you'll get the pronunciation right in no time. Now, click the link below, download today's worksheet and practice what you've just learnt. Enjoy!