Home Italian lessons Momenti e pasti della giornata

Momenti e pasti della giornata

written by Claire Grech October 19, 2017

Momenti e pasti della giornata - Follow this lesson to learn the different timings of the day in Italian and what we normally consume during these different times of the day.

Benvenuti alla quindicesima lezione d'italiano. Oggi scopriremo insieme i diversi nomi per i diversi momenti della giornata. Inoltre, andiamo anche a rivedere alcune delle ricette che sono pubblicate su The Languages Kitchen. Vedremo quando si mangiano questi pasti durante la nostra giornata. Allora, non perdiamo altro tempo e cominciamo.

Welcome to the fifteenth lesson in Italian on The Languages Kitchen. Today we'll learn the different names for the different moments of the day. In addition, we'll also revisit some of the recipes that are published on The Languages Kitchen. We'll see when we eat these meals during our day. Then, let's not waste any more time and make a start.

With some of the moments of the day, we also have food. The following are some words you might have heard before.

Scegliete la risposta giusta / Choose the correct answer.

This above is a simple explanation and some examples for you to follow. The listening will help you with the pronunciations. Repeat after each one. The exercise above should help you figure out the different meals we have during the different times of the day. 

Now, practice some more with the worksheet attached to this lesson. Don't forget to sign up for updates from The Languages kitchen. I'll be sending you answers for the practice sheets. Happy learning!

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