Home French lessons Les numéros cardinaux (partie 2)

Les numéros cardinaux (partie 2)

written by Claire Grech September 19, 2017

Les numéros cardinaux (partie 2) - a second lesson on the cardinal numbers. In this lesson, we'll revise what we've done in the first lesson for this topic and carry on learning some new numbers.

Bienvenue à la deuxième leçon de numéros cardinaux. Avant d'introduire le reste de chifres, regardez la première ligne (en jaune) de tableau et résumez ce que nous avons appris dans la première leçon. Sur ce tableau, vous pouvez apprendre aussi le reste des numéros cardinaux. 

As I've just mentioned above in French, today we're learning the rest of the cardinal numbers. Before introducing the rest of the numbers, let's summarize what we've learnt in the first lesson. The basis of the cardinal numbers in French are the ones we've already learnt. You'll see in the examples that these keep on being used throughout. On the note down below, you can revise the cardinal numbers already learnt in the first row (the ones in yellow). The rest is all new (click on the table to expand).

The following are some rules to follow so it will be easier for you to remember:


The hyphen (-) between the tens and units.

Exemple: (34) trente-quatre

(80) quatre-vingtis written with an S but any number that follows it, the S needs to be removed. 

Exemple: (85) quatre-vingt-cinq 

The conjugation ET between the tens and one.

Exemple: (21) vingt et un

We say (100) cent but (200) deux cents, (300) trois cents, etc.. However, when a number follows this changes.

Exemple (204) deux cent quatre

Same as with (1 000 000) un million et (1 000 000 000) un milliard but (2 000 000) deux millions, (3 000 000) trois millions, (4 200 000) quatre millions deux cent mille, (5 100 600 000) cinq milliardscent millions six cent mille.

La prononciation 

The numbers 5, 6, 8, 10, 20 change in pronunciation when followed by a consonant or a vowel.

For (7) sept, the P is not pronounced.

Following these few simple rules, you'll learn the cardinal numbers in no time. Now, it's time to practice all that you've just learnt. Click and download the worksheet for some exercises on the cardinal numbers. 

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