Sablés de l'automne - A French shortbread like biscuit. The word sablé means sandy, which refers to how the start of the dough looks before its kneaded together.
Sablés de l'automne - Le nom de ce biscuit fait référence à l'apparence du début de la pâte avant d'être pétrie.
In the past few weeks, I've been trying out a few different types of biscuits and these are the ones I loved the most. Although I'm not usually a shortbread biscuit lover, these are very tasty and don't taste so much of butter. Have a go and let me know if you agree. I'd love to hear from you!!

Préparation: 40 minutes
Cuisson: 10 minutes
For: 30 biscuits
Preparation: 40 minutes
Cooking: 10 minutes
- 125gr beurre
- 1 c.à.c essence de vanille
- 100gr sucre
- 2 c.à.c lait
- 350gr farine
- 7gr levure
- 125gr butter
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 100gr sugar
- 2 tsp milk
- 350gr flour
- 7gr yeast
Méthode / Method

Faites fondre le beurre dans une casserole.Ajoutez à l’essence de sucre et la vanille. Mélangez jusqu'à ce qu’il devienne une mousse. Ajoutez les œufs et le lait et mélangez.
Melt the butter in a pan. Add to the sugar and vanilla essence. Mix till it becomes a mousse. Add the eggs and milk and mix.

Mélangez la farine et la levure, ajoutez le mélange de farine au mélange liquid. Laissez reposer au réfrigérateur pendant 30 minutes.
Mix the flour and yeast together, add the flour mix to the liquid mixture. Let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Préchauffez le four, découpez les formes des feuilles, placez sur un moule garni de papier sulfurisé. Faites cuire au four pendant environ 10 minutes à 160 ºC.
Preheat the oven, cut the leaves' shapes, place on a tin lined with baking paper. Bake for about 10 minutes at 160ºC.

A celebration of the last few autumn days before the real cold wintery days start and it's more of a challenge to get out and go for walks in the park. I honestly love these biscuits so much. You could also do different coloured leaves by adding food colouring (I suggest a non-liquid one). You can have these biscuits with a nice cup of coffee/tea. I took these biscuits on a picnic with friends. Where would you take yours? Let me know in the comments below.