Home French lessons Les adjectifs de personnalité

Les adjectifs de personnalité

written by Claire Grech December 5, 2017

Les adjectifs de personnalité - Learn a few new adjectives describing one's personality. We use adjectives all the time every single day. These words are extremely important to be able to distinguish things. The following is a simple explanation of what an adjective is - a description and a clarification of a noun, an object, etc. Today, we'll be concentrating further on adjectives that describe a personality. 

Le garçon est...

heureux - happy

triste - sad

silencieux - quiet

intelligent - intelligent

calme - calm

gentil - nice

poli - polite

réfléchi - thoughtful

modeste - modest

flexible - flexible

bavard - talkative

exigeant - demanding

jaloux - jealous 

mature - mature 

La fille est...

heureuse - happy

triste - sad

silencieuse - quiet

intelligente - intelligent

calme - calm

gentille - nice

polie - polite

réfléchie - thoughtful

modeste - modest

flexible - flexible

bavarde - talkative

exigeante - demanding

jalouse - jealous 

mature - mature

As we can see from the examples above, some adjectives change according to whether it's male or female but others remain exactly the same. Similarly, there would be changes if we're talking about more than one person. The following are some examples for both singular and plural:

- Le fils de Marie est très gentil, mais la fille est plus silencieuse.

- Martin et Luc sont polis mais assez exigeants.

- Mes sœurs sont très bavardes.

These are just a few that we commonly use when describing someone's personality. There are obviously various more which you can find in the worksheet below. Go ahead and click the link below to download today's worksheet and practice some more to reiterate these adjectives we've just learnt and have a look at some others as well. 

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