A baguette is a long, thin loaf of bread commonly made from a basic dough. It's normally distinguished by its form and its crispy crust. Usually, the baguette is around 4-5cm wide.
Salut mes amis! Welcome to another recipe, which if you have seen last week's recipe, I had already mentioned what this week's recipe will be. Today we're making probably the most known French bread - les baguettes. For those of you that have never seen or tasted a baguette, it is a long, thin loaf of bread commonly made from a basic dough. The baguette is distinguished by its form and its crispy crust. Usually, the baguette is around 4-5cm wide.
For my last recipe, le tartare de saumon, I decided to have the tartare with some baguette slices. So, let's have a look at how easy this crunchy bread is made.

Préparation: 30 mins + 15 1/2 heures
Cuisson: 15-20 minutes
For: 2 baguettes
Preparation: 30 mins + 15 1/2 hours
Cooking: 15-20 minutes
Pour l'éponge
- 1/8 c.à.c de levure séchée
- 75gr de farine de pain blanc fort
- 1 c.à.s de farine
- huile végétale, pour graisser
Pour la pâte
- 1 c.à.c de levure séchée
- 300gr farine de pain blanc fort
- 1/2 c.à.c de sel
For the sponge
- 1/8 tsp dried yeast
- 75gr strong white bread flour
- 1 tbsp plain flour
- vegetable oil, for greasing
For the dough
- 1 tsp dried yeast
- 300gr strong white bread flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
Méthode / Method

Faites dissoudre la levure dans 75ml d'eau tiède et ajoutez les 2 types de farine. Formez une pâte collante et lâche et placez dans un grand bol huilé. Couvrez avec un film alimentaire et laissez lever pendant 12 heures.
Dissolve the yeast in 75ml warm water and add the 2 types of flour. Form a sticky, loose dough and place in a large oiled bowl. Cover with cling film and let it rise for 12 hours.

Pour faire la pâte, faites dissoudre la levure dans 150ml d'eau chaude et fouettez. Mettez l'éponge levée, la farine et le sel dans un grand bol et versez le liquide de levure. Remuez tout ensemble avec une cuillère en bois pour former une pâte molle.
To make the dough, dissolve the yeast in 150ml warm water and whisk. Put the risen sponge, flour and salt into a large bowl and pour in the yeast liquid. Stir it all together with a wooden spoon to form a soft dough.

Pétrissez pendant 10 minutes sur une surface farinée jusqu'à obtenir une consistance lisse et douce. Placer dans un bol huilé, couvrez d'un film alimentaire et laissez lever pendant 2 heures.
Knead for 10 minutes on a floured surface until smooth and soft. Place in an oiled bowl, cover with cling film and leave to rise for 2 hours.

Placez sur une surface farinée et divisez en 2. Pétrissez brièvement et formez chacun dans un rectangle. Rentrez les bords courts dans le centre et appuyez fermement. Formez la pâte dans un oblong. Pincez le joint et retournez la couture vers le bas. Formez en une bûche longue et mince d'environ 4 cm de large.
Place on a floured surface and divide in 2. Knead briefly and shape each one into a rectangle. Tuck the short edges into the centre and press firmly. Shape the dough into an oblong. Pinch the seal and turn seam-side down. Shape into a long, thin log around 4cm wide.

Placez les pains sur une plaque de cuisson, couvrez avec un film alimentaire huilé et un torchon. Gardez au chaud pendant 1 heure et demie. Coupez le pain profondément en diagonale le long du haut. Saupoudrez de peu de farine, vaporisez avec de l'eau et placez au milieu d'un four préchauffé pendant environ 20 minutes.
Place the loaves on a baking tray, cover with oiled cling film and a clean tea towel. Keep warm for 1 1/2 hours. Deeply slash the loaf diagonally along the top. Dust with little flour, spray it with water and place in the middle of a preheated oven for around 20 minutes.

We've come to the conclusion of another recipe. It might take some time to let the dough rise, but it's definitely worth the wait. This was my first time making baguettes and it surely won't be my last time. Now, go follow the link below and download today's worksheet.