Florentines - a simple biscuit made from nuts and fruit. Florentines typically contain almonds, candied cherries or in this case candied oranges, dried fruit such as cranberries. These are combined together by melting brown sugar and butter and then cooked in the oven. Finally, they're finished off with a coat of chocolate at the bottom and given the traditional lines of a fork once the chocolate starts to set.
Florentines - un biscuit simple fait avec les noix et les fruits. Florentines contiennent généralement des amandes, confit de cerises ou d'oranges et fruits secs comme les canneberges. Ils sont combinés ensemble par la fusion de cassonade et le beurre et puis cuits au four. Enfin, le fond est recouvert de chocolat et donnés les lignes traditionnelles d’une fourchette une fois que le chocolat commence à définir.

Préparation: 10 minutes
Cuisson: 10 minutes
For: 12 Florentines
Preparation: 10 minutes
Cooking: 10 minutes
- 45gr beurre
- 60gr cassonade
- 60gr écorces confites
- 50gr canneberges
- 60gr amandes effilées
- 15gr farine
- pincée de sel
- 1 c.à.c crème fraîche épaisse
- 120gr chocolat noir
- 45gr butter
- 60gr brown sugar
- 60gr candied peel
- 50gr cranberries
- 60gr flaked almonds
- 15gr plain flour
- pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp double cream
- 120gr dark chocolate
Méthode / Method

Mettez les fruits et les noix dans un bol, filtrez la farine et mélangez.
Put the fruit and nuts in a bowl, sift over the flour and toss.

Mélangez le beurre et le sucre dans une casserole à feu moyen. Retirez du feu et incorporez le sel et la crème. Ajoutez les fruits et les noix. Mettez des c.à.c du mélange sur une plaque à pâtisserie recouverte de papier sulfurisé, aplatissez-les.
Combine the butter and sugar together in a pan over a medium heat. Take off the heat and stir in the salt and cream. Add the fruit and nuts. Put teaspoons of the mixture on to a baking tray lined with baking paper, flatten them out.

Préchauffez le four à 180°C, faites-le cuire environ 10 minutes, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit doré, puis laissez-le refroidir. Faites fondre le chocolat, plongez le fond de chaque florentine dans le chocolat, utilisez une fourchette pour former un motif ondulé dans le chocolat et laissez-le refroidir.
Preheat the oven to 180ºC, bake for about 10 minutes until golden brown all over, then leave to cool. Melt the chocolate, dip the bottom of each florentine in the chocolate, use a fork to make a wavy pattern in the chocolate and leave to cool.

To decorate, you could add some pink icing sugar on top or even spread some of the remaining chocolate. For the icing, you just need two teaspoons of icing sugar, a few drops of lemon juice and a few drops of pink food colouring gel. Make sure to let the chocolate dry a little bit before attempting to decorate the bottom with fork lines and always be careful as they are quite fragile before they cool off completely.
Florentines are simple to make and they will definitely look pretty and tasty amazing for the forthcoming Christmas parties you might be organising. They also make up a cute gift if you pop them in a cute box or just a festive bag closed with a ribbon. Enjoy and let me know if you agree with me that these biscuits are tasty and simple enough to make in advance for the coming celebrations.