These popular French sweets are definitely something you should try. A macaron is a meringue-based sweet made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar and ground almond. It is normally filled with ganache, buttercream or jam filling sandwiched between two cookies.
A macaron is a notorious French sweet. You would have seen one at some point in your life. In some bakeries in France, the 20th March is dedicated to this delicate sweet. People donate money towards a charity and get a macaron.
In the following recipe, you have 4 different tastes that will certainly remind you of all the goodness that autumn brings with it. Enjoy baking these macarons, share your pictures on social media and tag me along so I can see your creations.

Préparation: 45 minutes
Cuisson: 10 - 12 minutes
For: 20 macarons
Preparation: 45 minutes
Cooking: 10 - 12 minutes
- 100gr sucre glace
- 75gr d'amandes en poudre
- 2 gros blancs d'œufs (température ambiante)
- 75gr de sucre granulé
- 1 c.à.c. de poudre de cacao
- colorants alimentaires (en gel) - rose, orange
- 100gr icing sugar
- 75gr ground almonds
- 2 large egg whites (room temperature)
- 75gr granulated sugar
- 1 tsp cocoa powder
- food colouring gel - pink, orange
Méthode / Method

Dans un bol, battez les blancs d'oeufs et le sucre glace jusqu'à ce que des pics raides se forment. Avec une spatule, pliez doucement le sucre granulé tamisé, un peu à la fois.
In a bowl, beat the egg whites and icing sugar just until stiff peaks form. Do NOT overbeat. Using a spatula, gently fold in the sifted granulated sugar, a little at a time.

Pliez dans le mélange les amandes jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient combinés. Soyez très doux et léger en le faisant. Une fois complètement combiné, le mélange sera lisse, collant et brillant.
Fold in the almonds until combined. Be very gentle and light-handed while doing so. Once completely combined, the mixture will be smooth, sticky, and glossy.

Divisez le mélange en quatre bols. Ajoutez un gel colorant alimentaire dans deux d'entre eux, de la poudre de cacao en un et rien dans le dernier.
Divide the mixture in four bowls. Add food colouring gel into two of them, cocoa powder in one and nothing in the last one.

Sur une papier à pâtisserie, dessinez des cercles de 5 centimètres. Remplissez la poche à douille avec la pâte et faites des cercles. Laissez-les reposer pendant au moins 30 minutes jusqu'à former une coquille sèche. Cuisinez au four pour 10-12 minutes à 160ºC.
On a baking paper, draw circles of 5 centimeters. Fill the piping bag with the mixture and fill in the circles. Let them sit for at least 30 minutes until a dry shell is formed. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 160ºC.
La crème de beurre / The buttercream

- 12gr de poudre de cacao
- 37gr sucre glace
- 12gr de beurre non salé
- du lait (si nécessaire)
- 12gr cocoa powder
- 37gr icing sugar
- 12gr unsalted butter, melted
- milk (if necessary)

- 40gr mascarpone
- 15gr confiture de cerises
- 40gr mascarpone
- 15gr cherry conserve

Miel caramélisé
- 17gr miel
- 25gr de beurre non salé (température ambiante)
- 1/2 tasse de sucre glace
- 1/4 c.à.c sel
- 1/4 c.à.c extrait de vanille
- 135gr crème épaisse (temp. amb.)
Miel caramélisé
- 17gr honey
- 25gr unsalted butter (room temperature)
- 1/2 cup icing sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- 135gr heavy cream (room temperature)

Caramel salé
- 25gr de beurre non salé (température ambiante)
- 45gr de sucre glace
- 1/4 c.à.c extrait de vanille
- 20ml de caramel salé
Caramel salé
- 25gr unsalted butter (room temperature)
- 45gr icing sugar
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- 20ml salted caramel

Making these macarons has made me feel that I'm moving forward and improving my baking skills as they have been quite a task to make. Even though there's still room for improvement, I'm happy with how these turned out. I hope you'll enjoy making them yourselves and that you tag me with your creations and theme colours.
Now, let's get on to learning a new lesson after enjoying the recipe. Since we have a colour scheme for these macarons, why not learn colours for today's lesson. Follow the link and enjoy learning and practising the language. Comment below if you already know any colours in Italian. Enjoy x