Madeleines - these shell-like shaped small savoury sponge cakes are a different take on the original sweet madeleines. These nibbles are filled with grated Parmesan cheese, sundried tomatoes and sliced black olives.
For this recipe, I am sharing my idea of a savoury cute nibble - les madeleines salées. Having already baked these shell-like shaped small sponge cakes before as a sweet, I wanted to experiment with the mixture and come up with a savoury version. They have a really cool shape and they would look awesome on your table as nibbles with some cocktails for any occasion.

Préparation: 40 minutes + 1h 30
Cuisson: 20 minutes
For: 4 people
Preparation: 20 minutes + 1h 30
Cooking: 20 minutes
- 2 œufs
- 100gr farine
- 6gr levure chimique
- 50ml lait
- 30ml d'huile
Pour le remplissage
- Parmesan râpé
- olives noires
- tomates séchées
- 2 eggs
- 100gr flour
- 6gr baking powder
- 50ml milk
- 30ml oil
For the filling
- grated Parmesan
- black olives
- sundried tomatoes
Méthode / Method

Diluez la levure dans le lait tiède. Dans un bol, mettez les œufs entiers et ajoutez la farine tamisée et mélangez.
Dilute the yeast with warm milk. In a bowl, put the eggs and add the sifted flour and mix.

Ajoutez au mélange, le lait avec la levure, puis l'huile. Laissez reposer la pâte pendant 1h au frais.
To the mixture, add the milk containing the yeast, then the oil. Let it rest at a cool temperature for about an hour.

Ajoutez les ingrédients au choix: parmesan râpé, olives dénoyautées et tomates séchées. Laissez reposer à nouveau au moins 30 minutes. Versez la pâte dans les moules. Enfournez à 180ºC, pendant environ 20 minutes ou jusqu'à qu'elles soient dorées.
Add the ingredients of choice, in this case, grated Parmesan cheese, chopped pitted olives and sundried tomatoes. Let it rest again for at least 30 minutes. Pour the dough into the madeleines moulds. Bake at 180°C for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.

Aren't these so simple to prepare! I can assure you that you'll love having them as a starter or as nibbles with a nice cocktail, maybe the traditional wine cocktail Kir made from crème de cassis and dry white wine. Now that we've come to the conclusion of this recipe, go follow today's lesson. In this lesson, we'll be tackling the second part of the present tense in French - the irregular verbs. Enjoy learning French and see you next week with another tasty recipe.