Moments et repas de la journée - Follow this lesson to learn the different timings of the day in French and what we normally consume during these different times of the day.
Bienvenue à la quinzième leçon de français. Aujourd'hui, nous allons apprendre les noms différents pour les moments de la journée. De plus, nous revisiterons certaines recettes déjà publiées sur The Languages Kitchen. Nous allons voir quand nous allons mange ces repas pendant notre journée.
Welcome to the fifteenth lesson in French on The Languages Kitchen. Today we'll learn the different names for the different moments of the day. In addition, we'll also revisit some of the French recipes that are published on this website. We'll see when we eat these meals during our day. Then, let's not waste any more time and make a start.
L'aube (f) - Dawn
Le matin (m) - Morning
Midi - Noon
L'après-midi (m/f) - Afternoon
Le coucher du soleil (m) - Sunset
Le soir (m) - Evening
La nuit (f) - Night
Minuit (m) - Midnight
With some of the moments of the day, we also have food. The following are some words you might have heard before.
Choisissez la bonne réponse/Choose the correct answer.

This above is a simple explanation and some examples for you to follow. The listening will help you with the pronunciations. Repeat after each one. The exercise above should help you figure out the different meals we have during the different times of the day.
Now, practice some more with the worksheet attached to this lesson. Don't forget to sign up for updates from The Languages kitchen. I'll be sending you answers to the practice sheets. Happy learning!