Nutellotti - These chocolate based biscuits might not be a traditional Italian delicacy, however, they've been attracting more attention and more people are making these delicious treats.
The ingredients are very simple and there's only a few; Nutella, eggs and flour. Have a look at the following recipe and share your photos with me on social media if you try them out, I'd love to see your versions.

Preparazione: 25 minuti
Cottura: 10 minuti
For: 20 biscuits
Preparation: 25 minutes
Cooking: 10 minutes
- 180gr Nutella
- 135gr farina 00
- 1 uovo
Per farcire
- 125gr Nutella
- 30gr granella di nocciole
- 180gr Nutella
- 135gr flour
- 1 egg
For the filling
- 125gr Nutella
- 30gr chopped hazelnuts
Metodo / Method

Mettete i 180gr di Nutella in un mixer con un uovo intero. Amalgamate bene gli ingredienti con il mixer, aggiungete la farina setacciata.
Put the 180gr of Nutella in a mixer with a whole egg. Mix the ingredients well, add the sifted flour.

Mescolate il tutto con una spatola fino ad ottenere un impasto. Create un panetto, mettete in frigorifero a riposare per almeno 15-20 minuti coperto con la pellicola trasparente.
Mix everything with a spatula until a dough is obtained. Create a dough, place in the fridge to rest for at least 15-20 minutes covered with transparent film.

Formate delle palline con le mani di circa 15gr ciascuna. Mettete ognuna su un foglio di carta da forno. Appiattite il centro di ciascun pezzo creando una cavità.
Form balls with the hands of about 15gr each. Put each on a sheet of baking paper. Flatten the centre of each piece creating a cavity.

Mettete la Nutella in una sac-à-poche con una bocchetta stellata e farcite i nutellotti. Una volta farciti tutti i biscotti, distribuite le nocciole.
Put the rest of Nutella in a sac-à-poche with a star-shaped nozzle and stuff the nutellotti. Make a star shape in the centre, once all the biscuits are filled, spread the hazelnuts.

Cuocete in un forno preriscaldato a 170°C per circa 10 minuti. Lasciate raffreddare prima di servire.
Bake in a preheated oven at 170 ° C for about 10 minutes. Let it cool before serving.
Now taste a few of the Nutellotti you've just made and go ahead and practice some more Italian with these worksheets attached down below. Today we're going to the countryside! Enjoy! x