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Omelette farcie

written by Claire Grech August 1, 2017

A common dish made from beaten eggs quickly fried with butter or oil in a frying pan without stirring is the omelette. Fill in with your choice of vegetables, cheese or meat (often ham or bacon) and fold in two and you're done.

The name originates in France, however, the delicacy itself could have surfaced somewhere else before finding its way into the first French cookbook. The most famous legend about the omelette is perhaps that of Napoleon Bonaparte. Travelling with his army through a small town, he was served an omelette by a local innkeeper. Napoleon was so impressed that the next day ordered the town to create one huge omelette for his army.

In addition to this recipe, you will find today's new topic, which I'm sure you'll all enjoy learning. Lesson 4 - Cardinal numbers.

Pour: 2 personnes

Préparation: 20 minutes

Cuisson: 20 minutes

For: 2 people

Preparation: 20 minutes

Cooking: 20 minutes


  • 4 œufs
  • des tranches de jambon
  • deux gousses d'ail
  • quelques tomates cerises
  • du gruyère râpé
  • romarin
  • poivre
  • sel
  • huile d'olive
  • persil


  • 4 eggs
  • some slices of ham
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • a few cherry tomatoes
  • some grated gruyere
  • rosemary
  • pepper
  • salt
  • olive oil
  • parsley

Méthode / Method

Pelez et hachez l'ail. Mettez de l'huile dans une poêle et faites frire l'ail.

Peel and chop the garlic. In a frying pan, put some olive oil and fry the garlic.

Coupez les tomates et ajoutez à l'ail.

Cut the tomatoes and add to the garlic.

Mettez le mélange de tomates d'un côté. Battez les oeufs et saupoudrez de sel et poivre. Coupez le jambon en petits morceaux et ajoutez le fromage râpé.

Put the tomatoes mix to one side. Beat the eggs and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cut the ham into small pieces and add to the grated cheese.

Dans une poêle, versez un filet d'huile et recouvrez des œufs. Faites cuire pour cinq minutes.

 In a pan, pour a little oil and cover with eggs. Cook for about 5 minutes.

Saupoudrez du persil.

Sprinkle some parsley.

Lorsque l'omelette est cuit, ajoutez l'ail et les tomates au dessus. Ensuite, couvrez avec le mélange de gruyère, romarin et jambon.

When the omelette is cooked, add the garlic and tomatoes on top. After, top up with the gruyere, rosemary and ham mixture.

Pliez l'omelette en deux et faites cuire chance côté pour autre deux/trois minutes. 

Fold the omelette in half and cook for another 2-3 minutes.

And voilà that's our recipe done. I hope you enjoyed preparing this omelette. You can use different toppings. I decided to go with simple ingredients for a lighter dinner. You could substitute the Gruyère cheese with any other hard yellow cheese such as Edam cheese.

With the omelette, I decided to do a quick side - a green beans salad with chopped spring onions, chilli flakes (you can use fresh chilli - remove seeds if you don’t like it too hot), parsley, pepper, salt, a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon.

Today's lesson is about cardinal numbers. Go ahead and click the following link and enjoy learning and practising!

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