Home Italian lessons L’ora


written by Claire Grech November 2, 2017

L'ora - Telling the time is an important part of our daily life and we do it constantly without even realising. This is why it's another important topic we're tackling here today on The Languages Kitchen.

In this lesson, we'll also learn some time phrases that are often used in the Italian language. This lesson will also serve as a revision of the numbers in Italian and some of the time phrases we'll be mentioning we might also have already mentioned in past lessons.

1. Vocabulary to learn how to tell the time

2. Dare l'ora / How to tell the time

It's one o'clock

It's two o'clock

It's 3:15

It's 4:30

It's 5.45

It's 6:05

It's 7:20

It's 8:40

It's 9:50

It's 12:00

It's 00:00

It's 16:25

It's 21:35

È l'una

Sono le due

Sono le tre e un quarto / Sono le tre e quindici

Sono le quattro e mezzo / Sono le quattro e trenta

Sono le sei meno un quarto / Sono le cinque e quarantacinque

Sono le sei e cinque

Sono le sette e venti

Sono le nove meno venti / Sono le sette e quaranta

Sono le dieci meno dieci / Sono le nove e cinquanta

È mezzogiorno

È mezzanotte

Sono le quattro e venticinque

Sono le nove e trentacinque / Sono le dieci meno venticinque

3. Domandare l'ora / Asking for the time

A che ora è il/la...? - At what time is the ...? 

Avete l'ora, per favore (formale)? - Do you have the time, please?

Now that you have all the information, go ahead and practice what you've just learnt and also find some time phrases that are commonly used in Italy. Here is a listening you will need to complete one of the exercises on the worksheet. 

That's all from me on this topic. Go ahead and click on the link below, download the worksheet and enjoy learning. See you next time with another topic!

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