Home Italian lessons Le nazionalità

Le nazionalità

written by Claire Grech August 1, 2017

Les nazionalità - a lesson on the nationalities in Italian and a worksheet to practise the topic. Ciao a tutti! Benvenuti alla seconda lezione su The Languages Kitchen. Oggi impareremo le nazionalità (la provenienza delle persone). 

In the grid below is a simple explanation of the different endings used to refer to the nationality of males and females, singular and plural. There are also some exceptions listed. So, let's focus below on the general rules to follow.

Maschile Singolare:


Femminile Singolare:


Maschile Plurale:


Femminile Plurale:



Maschile/Femminile Singolare: E

Maschile/Femminile Plurale: I

Following the short explanation above, on the worksheet - Le nazionalità, you'll find more examples and some exercises to test the rules above, along with some exceptions. So, download the worksheet and carry on learning Italian. Enjoy!

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