Panforte - a traditional Italian dessert originating in Siena (Tuscany). The texture is similar to a Florentine; chewy and contains fruits and nuts but much thicker and larger. Panforte means strong bread referring to its spiciness. The original name was panpepato (peppered bread), due to the use of strong pepper.
To make this dessert is fairly simple. Sugar is dissolved in honey and various nuts, fruits and spices are mixed together with flour and then baked in a shallow pan. A dusting of icing sugar is then added to the top of this dessert. You can buy panforte in many shops around Italy, especially during Christmas time. Serve this in small wedges as its quite filling with a coffee or it also works quite well with a dessert wine after a meal or even sometimes for breakfast.

Preparazione: 10 - 15 minuti
Cottura: 25 - 30 minuti
For: 10 people
Preparation: 10 - 15 minutes
Cooking: 25 - 30 minutes
- 1/2 tazza di noci
- 1/2 tazza di mandorle intere
- 1/2 tazza di nocciole
- 1/2 scorza d'arancia candita
- 1/3 di tazza di uvetta
- scorza grattugiata di 1 arancia
- 2/3 di tazza di farina
- 3 cucchiai di cacao in polvere
- 20gr di gocce di cioccolato
- 11/2 cucchiaino di cannella
- 1/4 di cucchiaino di pepe nero
- della noce moscata
- pizzico di sale
- 2/3 di tazza di miele
- 1/2 tazza zucchero semolato
- 2 cucchiai di acqua
- zucchero a velo per spolverare
- 1/2 cup walnuts
- 1/2 cup whole almonds
- 1/2 cup hazelnuts
- 1/2 candied orange peel
- 1/3 cup raisins
- grated zest of 1 orange
- 2/3 cup flour
- 3 tbsp cocoa powder
- 20gr chocolate drops
- 11/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- some grated nutmeg
- pinch of salt
- 2/3 cup honey
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 2 tbsp water
- icing sugar for dusting
Metodo / Method

Unite le noci, le mandorle e le nocciole in una grande ciotola. Mantenete 1 tazza delle nocciole miste nella ciotola e girate il resto in un robot da cucina per qualche secondo e rimettile nella ciotola.
Combine the walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts in a large bowl. Reserve 1 cup of the mixed nuts in the bowl. Chop the remaining nuts and return them to the bowl.

Aggiungete la scorza d'arancia candita, l'uvetta e la scorza d'arancia.
Add the candied orange peel, raisins, and orange zest.

In un'altra ciotola, mescolate insieme la farina, la polvere di cacao, le gocce di cioccolato e tutte le spezie. Aggiungere la miscela di farina alla frutta e noci. Mescolate bene per rivestire uniformemente.
In another bowl, stir together the flour, cocoa powder, chopped chocolate, and all the spices. Add the flour mixture to the fruits and nuts; toss to coat evenly.

Preriscaldate il forno a 180ºC. Ungete la teglia con una base rimuovibile. In una casseruola, unite il miele e lo zucchero semolato. Portate la miscela ad ebollizione. Abbassate la fiamma quando comincia a sobbollire e cuocete per 2 minuti mescolando spesso. Togliete dal fuoco e aggiungete l'acqua.
Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Grease a tart preferably with a removable bottom. In a saucepan, combine the honey and granulated sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil. Lower to a simmer and cook for 2 minutes; stirring often. Remove from the heat and stir in the water.

Versate lo sciroppo caldo sulla miscela di frutta e noci. Mescolate in modo uniforme.
Pour the hot syrup over the fruit and nut mixture. Stir to coat everything evenly.

Versate il composto nella teglia preparata. Cuocete per circa 25- 30 minuti, o fino a quando il centro è fermo. Raffreddate nella teglia per circa 15 minuti. Rimuovete dalla teglia e lasciate raffreddare completamente. Prima di servire spolverare la parte superiore della crostata con zucchero a velo.
Pour the mixture into the prepared tin. Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the centre is firm. Cool in the pan on a wire rack for 15 minutes. Remove the side ring from the pan; cool completely. Before serving, dust the top of the tart with icing sugar.
How easy is that to make right! This panforte brought so many memories of when I studied in Italy. I've not had one since and I was very eager to try and make my own for the first time. I can assure your guests will definitely enjoy it whether it's after a meal or just as something sweet with a coffee. Make sure to try this one out, you won't be disappointed!
Now, download the worksheet below and start practising some new Italian vocabulary about Christmas! See you next week with another recipe! x