Home Cook a la ItalianDessert / Dolce Paste di mandorla

Paste di mandorla

written by Claire Grech August 1, 2017

A Sicilian well-known almond treat that I can never get enough of. For me, it's a traditional Christmas treat and I always make them for parties and dinner during that time of the year. They take no time to make but they go really quick too as everyone keeps nibbling on them.

If you're planning a party with family or friends, or just want a quick treat, then you're going to love this recipe. So today we're preparing ‘le paste di mandorla’. These ‘paste’ originate in Sicily hundreds of years ago and since then they've become very popular in other cities around the south of Italy.

This mouth-watering treat is very often prepared for Christmas festivities. It's one of my favourite Christmas sweets. During my childhood, every year, I looked forward to having this delicacy and still do. I’m sure that once you’ll make these and taste them, you’ll be pleasantly surprised and you'll be wanting to do them more often.

The process of making these treats could not be any quicker and simpler. They taste pretty amazing and they’re very similar to marzipan in texture. In fact, they’re also known as baked marzipan treats.

So let’s get on with this recipe. As usual, don’t forget to follow me on social media. Tag me along so I can see your creations and leave comments down below on what’s your childhood favourite treat or even what you’re enjoying right now!

After tasting these delicious treats, click on the following link for today's lesson - Cardinal numbers.

Per: 12 paste

Preparazione: 10 minuti

Cottura: 10 - 12 minuti

For: 12 almond biscuits

Preparation: 10 minutes

Cooking: 10 - 12 minutes


  • 150gr di mandorle tritate
  • 100gr di zucchero semolato
  • 1 albume
  • delle mandorle
  • zucchero a velo q. b.
  • 4 gocce di essenza di mandorle


  • 150gr ground almonds 
  • 100gr granulated sugar
  • 1 egg white
  • some almonds
  • icing sugar
  • 4 drops of almond essence

Metodo / Method

Montate a neve l'albume con lo zucchero semolato.

Whisk the egg white with the granulated sugar.

In una ciotola, mettete le mandorle tritate, aggiungete un goccio di essenza di mandorle.

In a bowl, put the ground almonds and add a drop of almond essence.

Incorporate l'albume nelle mandorle tritate fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo. Cominciate a formare delle palline di circa 2cm. Schiacciate un pò la parte superiore e mettete una mandorla.

Incorporate the egg white into the ground almonds until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Begin to form balls of about 2cm. Crush the top a little and put an almond.

Mettete in forno caldo a 160ºC per circa 10-12 minuti. Lasciate raffreddare e cospargete di zucchero a velo.

Put in hot oven at 160ºC for about 10-12 minutes. Let it cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

I guarantee you'll be making these over and over again as they're so quick and simple to make but taste absolutely divine. Have a go yourself and show me what you create by tagging me on social media. Also, don't forget to leave comments down below if you have any questions or any suggestions. I'd love to hear from you. Now, after preparing this lovely recipe, go ahead and click on today's lesson. Enjoy x

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