Ricciarelli - traditional almond based Italian biscuits originating in the beautiful city of Siena, Tuscany. Ricciarelli have an oval shape which are left to set for some days before baked, giving them a crackled surface, usually sprinkled with icing sugar. These delicious biscuits are typically consumed at Christmas with a dessert wine.
Ricciarelli - biscotti tradizionali a base di mandorle provenienti dalla bellissima città di Siena, in Toscana. I ricciarelli hanno una forma ovale. Questi biscotti vengono lasciati riposare per alcuni giorni prima di essere cotti, dando loro una superficie screpolata, solitamente cosparsa di zucchero a velo. Questi deliziosi biscotti sono tipicamente consumati a Natale con un vin santo.

Preparazione: 20 minuti + 12 ore di riposo
Cottura: 18 minuti
For: 20 biscuits
Preparation: 20 minutes + 12hrs rest
Cooking: 18 minutes
- 2 albumi
- del succo di limone
- 200gr zucchero a velo
- 200gr farina di mandorle
- 2 c. estratto di mandorle
- 2 c. essenza di vaniglia
- scorza d’arancia
- 2 egg whites
- a dash of lemon juice
- 200gr icing sugar
- 200gr almond flour
- 2 tbsp almond extract
- 2 tbsp vanilla essence
- orange zest
Metodo / Method

Montate gli albumi con del succo di limone fino a formare picchi rigidi. Incorporate lo zucchero a velo e la farina di mandorle macinata, aggiungete l'estratto di mandorle, la scorza d'arancia e l'essenza di vaniglia.
Whip the egg whites with some lemon juice until forming stiff peaks. Fold in the icing sugar and ground almond flour, add the almond extract, orange zest and vanilla essence.

Coprite la ciotola con pellicola trasparente e riporrete in frigorifero durante la notte.
Cover the bowl with cling film and place in the fridge overnight.

Mettete un pò di zucchero a velo sul ripiano del tavolo e arrotolate la pasta in una lunga forma di salsiccia. Tagliate l'impasto in piccole palline. Formate ogni pallina in ovali e appiattiscite delicatamente.
Place some icing sugar on your tabletop and roll the dough into a long sausage shape. Cut the dough into small balls. Shape each ball into ovals and gently flatten.

Preriscaldate il forno a 160°C, spolverate con zucchero a velo e disponeteli su un vassoio rivestito di lamiera. Distanziteli perché tendono ad espandersi durante la cottura.Cuocete in forno per circa 18 minuti. Lasciateli raffreddare. Una volta freddi, spolverate con più zucchero a velo e servite.
Preheat the oven to 160°C, dust with extra icing sugar and arrange them on a baking sheet lined tray. Space them out as they tend to expand during baking. Bake in the oven for approximately 18 minutes. Let them set. Once cool, dust with extra icing sugar and serve.

And that’s it for this simple dessert that you can prepare in advance to serve with some mulled wine, a dessert wine or even a coffee. I wanted to thank you for all the support you’ve been giving me during this year, it’s honestly been so good and I really appreciate every one of you.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy start to your new year. Enjoy the time with family and friends and I hope you get to prepare some of the Christmas recipes you can find on this website. Let me know which dishes you will be having for your Christmas dinner.