Tramezzini alla crema di tonno are triangular shaped sandwiches with a tuna filling. The sandwiches' fillings can vary from cold to warm. The traditional filling was cold, however in time variations started to be introduced. These sandwiches are very popular in Italian bars (cafés) as a snack for any time of the day.
Ciao a tutti!! Oggi abbiamo una ricetta semplice e gustosa che potete preparare per quando avete un langurino ma non è ancora l'ora di pranzo o cena. Oggi facciamo i tramezzini!! Il tramezzino è un panino triangolare costituito da due fette di pancarré senza crosta. Quelli provenienti dal Veneto sono di solito farcite con salumi o formaggio, mentre le proprie origini del tramezzino sono torinesi (Torino - Nord Italia). La ricetta più comune contiene un ripieno freddo ma esiste anche la variante scaldata.
The tramezzino is a triangular sandwich constructed from soft bread without a crust. Tramezzini are very popular in Italy and you can find them in any bar at any time of the day. These are one tasty inexpensive snack. Some popular fillings are tuna, olives and prosciutto, however, you can find many other creations.
The origins of the tramezzino are said to be in Turin (Northern Italian city) as an alternative to English sandwiches. Although they are still very similar in shape, the fillings used in the tramezzini are more typically Italian. The word tramezzino comes from the word tramezzo meaning halfway between breakfast and lunch. That is the reason why they're also eaten as a snack in between meals.

Preparazione: 10 minuti
For: 4 people
Preparation: 10 minutes
- 125gr tonno sott’olio
- 75gr ricotta
- 2 filetti d'acciughe sott’olio
- 1/2 cucchiaio capperi
- prezzemolo q.b.
- 125gr tuna in olive oil
- 75gr ricotta
- 2 anchovy fillets in oil
- 1/2 tbsp capers in vinegar
- parsley
Metodo / Method

Mettete in una ciotola il tonno spezzettandolo con le mani. Tritate i filetti di acciughe, i capperi e aggiungeteli al tonno. Unite anche il prezzemolo tritato e mescolate.
Place the tuna in a bowl by breaking it apart with your hands. Chop the fillets of anchovies, the capers and add them to the tuna. Add the chopped parsley and mix.

Aggiungete la ricotta e amalgamate bene tutto. Se volete potete passare la crema di tonno con un frullatore ad immersione in modo da renderla più cremosa a seconda del vostro gusto.
Add the ricotta and mix well. If you want, you can pass the tuna cream with a mixer to make it more creamy depending on your taste.

And that's done! It's such a quick recipe to make as you just saw from the few steps there are to make this tasty bread filling. These tramezzini are a great option as party food. Now, click the link below and download the new worksheet with loads more new things to practice. Until next week, ciao!