Biscotti frollini classici - biscuits prepared with shortbread, a mixture made of flour, butter, sugar and eggs. The biscuits were reserved for parties, but today they are sold as breakfast products. A typical example would be the macine from the well known Italian brand Mulino Bianco.
Biscotti frollini classici - biscotti preparati con pasta frolla, un impasto fatto di farina, burro, zucchero e uova. I frollini erano riservati ad occasioni di feste, ma oggi sono venduti come prodotti di colazione. Un esempio tipico di questi biscotti sono le macine del marchio noto italiano Mulino Bianco.
You're missing out if you've never tried these amazing breakfast biscuits as they're the best. I remember having them for breakfast when I still lived in Malta. Unfortunately or fortunately here in the UK is a little bit harder to find, so I decided to make my own version of these tasty biscuits.

Preparazione: 10 min + 30 min riposo
Cottura: 7 minuti
For: 30 biscuits
Preparation: 10 mins + 30 mins resting
Cooking: 7 minutes
- 200gr farina
- 130gr burro
- 100gr zucchero
- 3 tuorli
- scorza di limone
- salt
- 200gr flour
- 130gr butter
- 100gr sugar
- 3 yolks
- lemon zest
- salt
Metodo / Method

Setacciate la farina, unite il burro a pezzetti, lo zucchero, i tuorli, sale e la scorza grattugiata di un limone.
Sift the flour, add the butter, te sugar, the yolks, salt and the grated lemon zest of one lemon.

Impastate la frolla a mano. Fate un panetto, avvolgetelo in pellicola e mettete in frigo per almeno mezz'ora.
Knead the shortcrust pastry by hand. Make a loaf, cover in cling film and put in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Trasferite il panetto di pasta frolla fra 2 fogli di carta da forno, stendetelo con il matterello allo spessore di 3-4cm. Tagliate dei piccoli cerchi e un cerchio più piccolo al centro. Mettete in forno già caldo a 180ºC per circa 7 minuti.
Transfer the loaf of shortcrust pastry between two sheets of baking paper, roll out with a rolling pin to 3-4cm. Cut small circles and another smaller circle in the middle. Bake in a preheated oven at 180ºC for about 7 minutes.

This brings us to the end of another great recipe. Mine might not look so uniform but they stil taste heavenly. Let me know if you've ever tried the macine and if you try these, let me know if you think they're amazing as much I think. Which other biscuits would you like to see me make next. Enjoy! xx