This is probably one of my favourite Italian recipes that I have cooked time and time again. It's very tasty and doesn't take too much time to make either. Although you can find different versions of this dish in other countries, I still think this is the tastiest. Go ahead and try it for yourselves! This dish originates from the city of Milan, a city in the northern region of Lombardy. It consists of meat dipped in eggs, breadcrumbs mixed with parmesan cheese, which is then fried.
The term ‘Milanesa’ means a thin slice of beef, chicken, veal or sometimes pork. Most Italians would have the veal cutlet on the bone. However, my favourite type of meat is chicken so I decided to make another Italian classic; 'petto di pollo alla milanese’ (chicken breast). The chicken milanese is one of my old time favourites.
This dish is also well-known around many other countries. To name a few, the ‘schnitzel' in Germany, 'filet empanada' in Spain, ‘milanesa' in Latin America, ‘katsu' in Japan and Korea and cutlet ‘schabowy' in Poland. Let me know in the comments below if it is popular in your country and what's the name for this dish. Very often, the fried meat is presented with pasta. However, today I decided to make some different and lighter sides consisting of oven baked potatoes with salt, pepper, Italian herbs and oil. Finally a rocket salad with grated parmesan cheese and pine nuts seasoned with salt, pepper and olive oil to complement the main dish.
Share your creations with me and let me know if you’re hooked on this recipe as much as I am!
After enjoying this lovely dish, go ahead and follow today's lesson; learning the nationalities in Italian and then download the worksheet to practice today's lesson: Lesson 2 - Nationalities

Preparazione: 15 minuti
Cottura: 20 minuti
For: 4 people
Preparation: 15 minutes
Cooking: 20 minutes
- 4 petti di pollo
- 2 uova
- 1½-2 tazze di pangrattato
- 30gr parmigiano grattugiato
- della farina
- del burro/ olio
- del prezzemolo
- sale
- pepe
- 4 chicken breasts
- 2 eggs
- 1½-2 cups of breadcrumbs
- 30gr grated parmesan
- some flour
- butter/oil
- a sprinkle of parsley
- salt
- pepper
Metodo / Method

Coprite ogni petto di pollo con della pellicola trasparente. Battete ciascun petto con una matterello finché non siano di una densità di circa 1cm. Sbattete le uova, spolverate con del pepe e mettete in un piatto. Mescolate il pangrattato, il parmigiano e del sale e mettete in un altro piatto.
Cover each chicken breast with cling film. Beat each breast with a rolling pin until they are about 1cm thick. Beat the eggs, sprinkle with pepper and put in a plate. Mix breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese and salt and put in another plate.

Create una stazione di lavoro. Intingete i due lati del petto di pollo nelle uova. Passateli poi nel pangrattato e coprite bene tutti e due i lati.
NOTA: Se il primo petto non si copre bene, passate i petti di pollo nella farina prima delle uova.
Create a workstation. Dip the two sides of the chicken breast in the eggs. Then cover well in breadcrumbs both sides.
NOTE: If the chicken is not well covered, pass the chicken breasts in the flour before the eggs.

In una padella, sciogliete del burro o usate dell’olio. Friggete i petti una alla volta per circa 4/5 minuti su ogni lato. Spolverate del prezzemolo su ogni lato.
In a frying pan, melt some butter or use some oil. Fry the chicken breasts one by one for about 4/5 minutes each side. Sprinkle some parsley on each side. Remove from the pan and let them rest before serving.

Togliete dalla padella e lasciate riposare prima di servire. Decorate con del prezzemolo e spremete del limone.
Remove from the pan and let them rest before serving. Decorate with some parsley and squeeze some lemon.

Having served this dish numerous times, I can guarantee that it will be successful. It's a very easy recipe to prepare and it won't take too much of your time. As a result, you'll have more time to enjoy with family and friends coming for dinner. Furthermore, If you have any left overs you could cut them into chunky slices and dip them into a sour cream, pepper and chives dip as a snack.
In conclusion, as always, I'd love to see your creations so tag me so I can see your photos. Also, don't forget to leave comments down below if you have any questions or any suggestions. I'd love to hear from you. Now, after preparing this lovely recipe, go ahead and click on today's lesson. Enjoy x