A very old recipe, dating back to the Roman times. It has been considered as a dish for the poor as onions were common and easy to grow. Today, the French version of onion soup is made with beef broth and caramelised onions.
This dish has become a very popular starter in France. Its main ingredients are the meat stock and onions, topped up with a piece of grilled bread covered with cheese. This soup represents poorer times. Onions are very easy to grow, hence at the time they were in abundance. It is still a very popular dish nowadays and you can find it on menus even in the most prestigious French restaurants.
So, let's start preparing this recipe. Then, get working on today's lesson: Lesson 5 - Article and gender of nouns.

Préparation: 25 minutes
Cuisson: 35 minutes
For: 2 people
Preparation: 25 minutes
Cooking: 35 minutes
- 2 gros oignons
- 2 gousses d'ail
- 25gr de beurre
- 1 c.à.c huile d'olive
- 1 c.à.s farine
- 125ml vin blanc
- 1/2litre d'eau
- sel
- poivre
- 4 tranches de pains
- 50gr fromage râpé
- 1 bouillon de bœuf
- 2 large onions
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 25gr butter
- 1 tsp olive oli
- 1 tbsp flour
- 125ml white wine
- 1/2litre water
- salt
- pepper
- 4 slices of bread
- 50gr grated cheese
- 1 beef stock cube
Méthode / Method

Pelez et émincez les oignons et l'ail. Dans une casserole, faites fondre le beurre et l'huile. Ajoutez les oignon et l'ail.
Peel and cut the onions and the garlic. In a pan, melt the butter and oil. Add the onions and garlic.

Laissez-les colorer pendant quinze minutes. Saupoudrez de sel et poivre.
Let them colour for about 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.

Saupoudrez de farine, d'eau chaude avec le bouillon de boeuf et de vin blanc. Couvrez et laissez bouillir doucement pendant 20 minutes.
Sprinkle flour, warm water with the beef stock and white wine. Cover and let bubble gently for 20 minutes.

Grillez du pain, versez la soupe dans un plat. Placez le pain grillé au dessus. Saupoudrez de fromage et faites gratiner en four pour cing minutes à 100oC.
Grill some bread, pour the soup in a dish. Place the grilled bread on top. Sprinkle some cheese and bake in oven for 5 minutes at 100oC.

This recipe will take you no time to prepare and it will become a go to starter for dinner parties. I hope you enjoy preparing it and sharing it with your guests.
Having done and tasted this amazing soup, go ahead to today's lesson where we'll be learning introducing the article and gender of nouns. As usual, you'll have a note, examples and a worksheet will follow so you can put into practice what you learn. Enjoy and comment down below your thoughts about this delicious soup.