Home Italian lessons I numeri ordinali (parte 2ª)

I numeri ordinali (parte 2ª)

written by Claire Grech September 28, 2017

I numeri ordinali (parte 2ª) - a second lesson on the ordinal numbers. In this lesson, we'll revise what we've done in the first lesson for this topic and carry on learning some new numbers.

Welcome back to the second lesson of I numeri ordinali - ordinal numbers. In this lesson, I'm sharing the second part of the ordinal numbers. I'm also adding a quick revision of the first lesson. You can find the first lessons here. If you've followed the first lesson for this topic, you'll see that this second part is quite straightforward.

As I've mentioned in the first lesson, ordinal numbers are used mainly to show an order or a sequence. Some examples are 10th - decimo, 25th - venticinquesimo.

Down below is a table with the ordinal numbers. The ones marked in yellow are a revision of the ones we've already mentioned. The others show how ordinal numbers are written. From 30 onwards, they follow the same rule as those in the 20s. You can also click on the table to expand.

I hope the table above helps you to learn the ordinal numbers in a quicker way. If you have any questions, leave your comments below. To conclude this lesson, click on the link below and practice this topic with the worksheet attached. 

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