Home Italian lessons I numeri cardinali (parte 2ª)

I numeri cardinali (parte 2ª)

written by Claire Grech September 7, 2017

I  numeri cardinali (parte 2ª) - a second lesson on the cardinal numbers. In this lesson, we'll revise what we've done in the first lesson for this topic and carry on learning some new numbers.

Benvenuti alla seconda lezione sui numeri cardinali. Prima di introdurre il resto dei numeri, facciamo un riassunto di quello che abbiamo imparato nella prima lezione. I numeri più difficili sono quelli che abbiamo già imparatao, quindi oggi dovrebbe essere una passeggiata! 

Nella scheda potete riguardare i numeri già imparati nella prima riga (quella in giallo). Il resto è tutto nuovo.

As I've just mentioned above in Italian, today we're learning the rest of the cardinal numbers. Before introducing the rest of the numbers, let's summarize what we've learnt in the first lesson. The most difficult numbers are the ones we have already learned, so today it should be a walk in the park! On the note down below, you can revise the cardinal numbers already learnt in the first row (the ones in yellow). The rest is all new (click on the table to expand).

The following are some rules to follow so it will be easier for you to remember:

From 20 (venti) onwards, with 1 and 8, the last letter is lost

- venti - ventuno

- quaranta-quarantotto

All the words are attached.

- sessantacinque and NOT sessanta cinque

ECCEZIONE: after 1 million, numbers are written separately.

- 3.500.000 - tre milioni e cinquecentomila 

Most of the time you cannot use an article in front of numbers.

- cinquanta NOT un cinquanta

- cento NOT un cento


- 1.000.000 - un milione

- - un miliardo

After 100 (cento), you add the number in front.

- 200 - duecento

- 500 - cinquecento

Same rule applies for 1.000 (mille)

- 8.000 - ottomila

- 999.999 - novecentonovantanovemilanovecentonovantanove


- - un miliardo e duecento milioni

In the numbers with cento (100), if the next number starts with a vowel, it's better using this kind of form:

- 708 - settecentootto than using settecentotto

However, the second example is still grammatically correct. So, you can technically use either.

When it comes to numbers using 1 in the middle, you can use both the full or shortened version:

- 71.000 settantunomila / settantunmila

Following these few simple rules, you'll learn the cardinal numbers in no time. Now, time to practice all you've just learnt. Click and download the worksheet for some exercises on the cardinal numbers. 

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