Home Italian lessons Presentarsi


written by Claire Grech August 1, 2017

Presentarsi - a lesson on how to present yourself in Italian and a worksheet to practise the topic. Ciao a tutti! Benvenuti a The Languages Kitchen. Su questo sito, potete imparare nuove lingue in modo semplice e rilassante.

Alla fine di questa lezione, imparerete a rispondere alle prossime domande: Come vi chiamate? Quanti anni avete? Dove abitate? Che lavoro fate?

Ciao, mi chiamo Claire
Ho 33 anni.
Abito in Inghilterra.
Sono una professoressa di lingue straniere.

Hello, my name is Claire.
I am 33 years old.
I live in England.
I am a foreign languages teacher.

Mi chiamo Claire, ho 33 anni e sono di Malta.

Abito in Inghilterra da 7 anni.

Sono una professoressa di lingue straniere.

I am Claire, I'm 33 years old and I am from Malta.

I have lived in England for the past 7 years.

I am a foreign languages teacher.

This above is an introduction to today's lesson - Introducing oneself. The first part shows basic information whilst the second-row boxes have a more in-depth description of myself. We'll be focusing on the basics on this first lesson.

So, now that you know a little bit more about myself, let's get on to learning how to ask someone else this information. We'll start with saying good morning/good evening and how to ask and answer for someone's name.

Buongiorno, come ti chiami?
Mi chiamo Claire.
Et tu, come ti chiami?
Mi chiamo Alessia.

Good morning, what is your name?
My name is Claire.
And you, what is your name?
My name is Alessi.

Buonasera, sono la Signora Grech.
E Lei, qual'è il suo nome?

Good evening, I am Ms. Grech.
And you (polite form), what is your name?

Buonasera, sono Claire.
E tu, come ti chiami?

Good evening, I am Claire.
And you (informal), what is your name?

Step 2 is asking for someone's age.

Quanti anni ha?
Ho 33 anni.
E Lei, quanti anni ha?

What is your age?
I am 33 years old.
And you (formal), what is your age?

Quanti anni hai?
Ho 33 anni.
E tu, quanti anni hai?

What is your age?
I am 33 years old.
And you (informal), what is your age?

Step 3 is asking where someone lives.

Dove abita?
Abito in Inghilterra.
E Lei, dove abita?

Where do you live?
I live in England.
And you (formal), where do you live?

Dove abiti?
Abito in Inghilterra.
E tu, dove abiti?

Where do you live?
I live in England.
And you (informal), where do you live?

Step 4 is asking what is the job someone does.

Che lavoro fa?
Sono professoressa di lingue straniere.
E Lei, che lavoro fa?

What do you do for work?
I am a languages teacher.
And you (formal), what is your job?

Che lavoro fai?
Sono professoressa di lingue straniere.
E tu, che lavoro fai?

What do you do for work?
I am a languages teacher.
And you (informal), what is your job?

Following these short examples above, the following worksheet is an extension with more examples and some parts for you to practice the language.

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